I am hillarious for starters. I also happen to be a successful father to four sons and married to a BABE of a wife. I was reluctant to start a blog as my random thoughts and musings could be used as political fodder should I ever decide to run for President of The United States. For your amusement and pleasure I've decided to take that risk...
Gracie is 3 years old and lives next door to us. She and Jack are like pea's and carrots! They seriously play together for hours and hours every day. Gracie is the daughter that Lisa and I never had. Last week Gracie and I had the following coversation.
Me: Gracie? What color are Jack's eyes? Gracie *looking at Jack who is batting his eyes at her* "His eyes is brown." (I like how she says "is. His eyes IS brown...) Me: That's right! And what color are YOUR eyes?
Gracie thinks about this for a second and then opens both of her hands wide open, jams thumbs and index fingers into her sockets and spreads her eyelids completely apart. All I see are white eyeballs staring back at me.
Gracie: "See? My eyes is BLUUUUUUE" Me *laughing at this 3 year old with huge white eyes*: You got that right! Now, what color are MY eyes?
Gracie releases her eye lids and then walks next to me where I am sittingon a chair. She puts her hands on my cheeks to get a really good look. I can see her *swollen* eyes look at both of mine carefully. She inspects them intently, one then the other...one then the other. I wonder if I am getting an eye exam here. She finally release me from her grasp, claps her hand together and proudly announces "Your eyes is red!"
Pigeons AKA People and Places Likely To Crap On You
Chase Bank Whatever money you put in that bank quickly becomes theirs. Use a credit union Lagoon Gave us a ton of excuses on why they couldn't help our visitors from Kenya. Arbys & Taco Bell in Draper I weep for the future US Post Office. Stamps go up another penny. Puh-LEASE! Riverton Chevrolet. There's a reason they never sell cars. Harbor Freight. Home of "I don't know, duuuude."
Eagles AKA People and Places Where I Like To Hang
VistaPrint.com Went the extra mile to make me happy Abbey @ Lifetime Fitness. My Yoga instructor who is AMAZING. What a gem! Peakpotentials.com These guys have changed my life. Su Casa The best waitresses on the planet. JetBlue. Lots of room, your own tv and friendly staff.
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