Monday, April 28, 2008

Eagles and Pigeons

Eagles and Pigeons will be an on-going blog project for our collective amusement. It is dedicated to both the movers and shakers as well as the losers and bakers. of this planet.

I was listening to a Podcast a few months ago, and this guy was talking about how he was becoming more successful because he "was spending more time with Eagles and less time with Pigeons." The comment has stuck in my brain ever since.

It's interesting how a Pigeon will ask "Why?" and an Eagle asks "Why Not?" Pigeons are problem causers, Eagles problem solvers. Eagles seek to attain new heights, Pigeons tend to crap on others. I don't like pigeons.

So on the right hand side of my blog, I am going to share some of the eagles and some of the pigeons that I have met. Should be fun.


Reggs said...

JOEY! It was about time that you started a blog. You are one of the best writers I know, so naturally you needed a blog!
The picture of the pigeon keeps making me laugh! I haven't been spending any time with pigeons or eagles. I've mostly been around really angry, selfish grizzly bears. You rub salmon all over yourself and prance naked in front of them and they go crazy.
Happy Birthday big BRO!!

Lisa said...

LOL So THAT'S the fish smell I've noticed, Reagan! BAHAHAHA
Joey, the pigeon picture cracks me up too. Almost as much as your POTUS line about taking the chance. hehe, I have a funny husband. Love you! Now, get writing!

Danika said...

Soooo, you have given yourself over to the wonderful world of blogging. I look forward to reading all your random thoughts and musings. Once upon a time I thought I was rather profound... then I started a blog and found myself writing things like "I wear socks a LOT of the time!!!" Turns out I don't actually have as many profound thoughts as I thought.